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Step-by-step to online shopping
Customer can shopping online by following 7 steps below
1. Click the button " Add to cart " on product you would like to buy
2. Click "Product in your cart" button on bottom right of website. As you can see the number shown in "Product in your cart" button
3. Page will show list of product you choosen. Click on " Select country" in order to choose destination country for shipping and calculate shipping fee
4. Page will show calculated shipping fee and vat 7% . Click "CHECKOUT" botton for another next step. In case of customer would like to continue shopping click " continue shopping>>" button.
5. Please fill informatiion in a form. Name, surname, address, contact number and email for using in product transportation then click on "Submit Order" button.
6. Transfer money via account no.
KASIKORN BANK ACC. NO. 508-2-17868-8 acc name MATUV co.,ltd SAVING Pho-Chae branch
SCB BANK ACC. NO. 929-2-10881-2 acc name MATUV co.,ltd SAVING Pho-Chae branch
BANGKOK BANK ACC. NO. 871-0-08755-5 acc name MATUV co.,ltd SAVING Pho-Chae branch
7. Confirm payment "How to confirm payment"